LCD & Switch PCB for Big-MIDI (assembly kit)


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SKU: LCD&SW_B Category:


The Big-MIDI can be extended with this LCD and Switch board. By using the function keys and the LCD display various parameters can be set.

The following settings are available:

Change first keynumber
Using the function keys one can transpose the Big-MIDI, lower or up to 13 semitones. So in semitones up or down by a maximum of one octave.

Change port numbers
Using the function keys one chooses the matrix (= keyboard) number. The current channel number is displayed and can be modified in the desired number from 1 to 16. For each manual so you can change the channel number.

P-C change
This is the P-C parameter. This parameter determines which MIDI messages are transmitted off the matrices 1 and 5. These are namely the matrices used for the rstops panel. A total of 2 x 64 switches can be connected to this. The default setting for the switches that are connected to these matrices give the code Note MIDI Note on and off. That is the same code as a normal keyboard. But it may also be that your MIDI devices better listen to the midi code Program Change On and Program Change Off. This  however depends on the software you use on your computer such as Hauptwerk, jOrgan and so on. Many software can handle both sort of codes, but it is possible that the software adheres strictly to the MIDI protocol and it’s nice if the midi hardware can anticipate them.

Save parameters
The above chosen parameters can now be stored in permanent memory.

Default parameters
When pressing F1 and switching on, the default parameters loaded.

The F3 function key gives PANIC event of an All Notes Off for all channels. (Never happened to me)

Potmeters/volume meters.
You can connect up to 6 pots each belonging to one of the six matrices. Namely matrix 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. Even if the channel numbers of these ports / matrices change, so is the channel numbers of the volume poten-tiometers. The value of the  potentiometers is 100K linear.

Midi Event
On the LCD and Switch print there is an LED lamp that lights when a midi signal is transmitted.

Additional information

Weight .251 kg

Technical data

Measurements: 100 x 60 mm
Power supply is provided by the Big-MIDI
Powersupply: 5 volt DC
Power consumption: 63 mA

Delivery: as assembly kit


Manual LCD & Switch PCB